Vacations in Hunza Valley

They have never heard of Hunza Pie in Hunza ... Instead, I agree with the mountain-style cappuccino made on a tiny car, which the enterprising young Hunzakot sent from Karachi, far south. Pie in Hunza. Nowhere in the bazaars and high-caribouan tea shops I can not find the juicy wedge of cheese, spinach and dough of unbleached flour that embody the 1970s hippie Vego cuisine - and it came, as it seemed, with lace cords and quasi-giganal wisdom. Instead of Hunza Pie, I agree with the mountain-style cappuccino made on a tiny car, which the enterprising young Hunzakot set out from Karachi, far south.Hitch A Hike provide Best and cheap Tour Packages In Lahore. Book your trip with us or Customized your trip.

The Karakoram mountains of northern Pakistan rise in a vertical background over the ancient Karimabad, the largest settlement in Hunza. Drank the toothed air and ground wedges are blocked while, far below, the Hunza River, colored as wet cement, churns its way south, returning the mountains to the Indian Ocean grain grains. A small but steady stream of tourists decides the high road to Hunza. Get more than half of the adventure there. Karakoram Highway (jointly built by China and Pakistan between 1958 and 1978). Often affected by glaciers and washes - after all, the Karakoram is a Turkic term for "breaking down the rock" - and fearless drivers of the army bulldozer of Pakistan are constantly deploying KKH "safe.

On our way to Hunza, our mini-bus followed this snowfall near the Karakoram Highway, which modestly boasted on one Pakistani tourist poster as "the most striking achievement of humanity in the 20th century." We will check this proposal, firstly, climbing to Hunza, then through the Huerenb pass 4733 meters in Kashgar in Xinjiang province of China. More than directing us is Asghar Khan, the innocent Hunzakut, whose ability to organize the movement of small mountains (if necessary by a bulldozer), palms for lubrication and dinner, to arrive on time, makes KKH, for us, at least, an impetus.

The legendary Hunza kingdom, a long oasis on this path, has not always been so easy to achieve, nor so calm. Pilgrims, silkworm traders and imperial aggressors once had to balance on the narrow steppes for the legs that were grown in the walls of the valley. "Noisy with the kingdoms" was the adoption of Marco Polo in this region in 1273. Even then, Fort Balitt climbed over the city of Carimaghat (formerly known as the Baltimore); Seven centuries later, this 62-room palace fortress, once occupied by the Mirom (king) of Hunza, still stands, framed with stones and snow.

We are eating dinner in the same room - now beautifully restored - in which Captain Francis Yanghangband faced Mir in 1889, demanding that he stop the caravan raids from Central Asia to British India. The world protested with the words: "But this is our only income - but if your Queen Victoria is unhappy, I can cut her into a spoil." "Inadequate offer!" The young man, no doubt, thought how he was coming out; then, as the "Great Game" warriors had the custom to do, he sent to the British Army to better explain the imperial point of view. Hunza was included in Pakistan only in 1974. The last queen is still alive, at the age of 78, although the current Mir, now a local politician, no longer has the king's status. Indeed, as one of his political opponents smelled snarlly: "He is a simple remnant of Mira."

10,000 inhabitants of Karimabad live in one of the most benign valleys of the Himalayan-Karakoram chain. The magnificent corn fields are shaded with orchards; tourism provides a modest cash flow; as followers of the Islamist Islam liberal Islamist sect, the Hunza girls (unlike many others in Pakistan) receive equal education with boys, and women are not required to hide their faces. In the sunny Karimabad you can see a number of modestly comfortable hotels and see the fields, inspired by ordinary cultures, that glow in the afternoon. The stepped terraces are penetrated with brilliant irrigation channels, which for centuries turned this mountainous desert area into a granary. As we walk along the paths that flow through the villages, Asghar Khan points to a 200-year-old mulberry tree, and next to another ancient fort, the crest is a 500-year-old tree.

During the '60s and' 70s, Hunza has long been famous in the West for supposedly living more than 100 years, maintaining a clean, 2400 meter air and (as it was said) no less than a vegetarian diet - perhaps an infinite portion of the cake " Hunza ". Recent studies do not reveal particular longevity (in fact, there is evidence of inbreeding), as well as the legendary cake. It seems that the myth of life-long survivors of long-lived spinach was invented by the author of a Swiss vegetarian culinary book. Rarely enough for meat. Dinner (at least for tourists), as a rule, is rice and chicken, dipped tea, but not beer, for Pakistan "dry". My pleasure is then great in finding, among the boutiques of the carpets, on the cliffs of Carimagada, the winding main street, a bookstore with a car for cappuccino.

Every day, I come back for my caffeine setting to view a variety of Peter Hopkire's yarns about the Great Game, or to draw a postcard, all to the uplifting background songs of Nazruto Fateh Ali Khan. If the sect "Immortality through the Hunz Pie" is established in this valley, it also made "Shangri-la-its," proclaiming it to be the prototype of the happy kingdom of James Hillton's 1933 novel Far The Horizons. With many very far-reaching pavilions, from Bhutan to Mustang to Chongqing, China, everyone claims to be the "real Shangri La" mythical mantle, which has little effect on any of their boosters.

"Where would you be able to just enter, and not go for two weeks - and find yourself surrounded by 7,000-meter-high peaks of snow?" Surprised by one of my friends. In our approach to Hunza, we saw the giant peaks of Nanga Parbat (8,125 meters) and Rakaposhi (7,790 meters) luminous in the crystal sky against the sky. Having woken up at dawn for a jeep trip to a place called "The Eagle's Nest", at a distance of 3200 meters, we scan a ring of snow-capped mountains - Ultar, Rapaposh, Lady's Finger and Golden Rush - pushing their massive shadows to the opposite wall of the Hunza valley, then through it fertile floor.

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